Tankhead Tankzilla Fanart

King of monster, the Tankzilla, my final tankhead from Emmerson Tung gallery of awesome tanks inspired mech. This time I’m using Zbrush for the modeling process. A bit clunky at first when sculpting and using zmodeler, but it awesome once i got into the rhyme.


Nice. Great job! I am looking forward to seeing more of your work!

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Thank you :smiley: I’m glad you like my work.

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Moving on to refinement the sculpt, lets get rid of some of that sculpted look :smiley:

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And that the leg done


That is a great leg! Keep up the hard work. I can’t wait to see it finished!

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Thank you!

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It has been a while since I last update due to life stuff. Here is the current progress for the Tankzilla. I brought him from Zbrush to Blender to finish the rest of the retopo and clean up.

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been a while but here is some more progress