Hi, I want to create a robot leg for a still scene (it doesn’t need to be animated). I could just model it, but then I wouldn’t be able to easily bend/curve it.
I want to be able to select the endpoint of the curve though so I can bend the leg into shape. Is this possible?
For the curve modifier to work correctly both the cube and the curve MUST have their center in the 0,0,0 coordinates. Then you can modify the curve as you like in edit mode. Also, if you parent the curve points to hooks (Select a point in edit mode and hit Ctrl+H) it wil be easier to edit.
To control the tapering just select a curve point and hit Alt+S to control the size of the object.
It is the same, the only thing you have to change is the “Relative Offset” on the array modifier settings. Leave it to 1 and it will look like a solid piece.
You just have to model a section of the model, and the array and curve modifiers will do the rest.