Task : Biomechanical simulation of Driver shot (Full version - 完整版)

Task (29 December 2021)
I gained new insights, invented the mechanism of hip yawing.
By adding this new formula to the previous waist yawing, it has become a professional golfer’s swing.
This is an invention suitable to conclude the 2021 finale.

Task 2.10.1 (7 août 2021)
The invention of the entire mechanism has been completed, but still needs improvement.
The most important point in this biomechanical simulation development is that “there is an invisible central arm that governs the motion of swinging with both arms.” The movement brought about by the invisible centeral arm can be expressed mathematically. Ancient oriental sages call this “Qi : 氣”. It is also a repulsive agent that expands the universe in opposition to gravity.

« https://varipon.com/index.php/work-plan-2/task-210-swinging/ »

Fundamental theorem : http://varipon.com/index.php/theorem/
Formula : https://varipon.com/index.php/work-plan-6/task-61-formula/
Infinite applications :http://varipon.com/index.php/art-work-plan/ , http://bit.ly/2UXaBjo

《帝曰:何謂神。歧伯曰:請言神,神乎神,耳不聞,目明心開,而志先,慧然獨悟,口弗能言,俱視獨見,適若昏,昭然獨明,若風吹雲,故曰神。三部九候為之原,九鍼之論,不必存也。》- 黃帝內經 素問 八正神明論

Using the talent of Kinesthetic Synesthesia, On the midway between philosophy, physics and physiology, Yutaka Sawai (Varipon) offers mathematical equations or letter sequences called the will of the universe which exercises the agent of the movement, the soul of the universe.

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