Task 2.10.2 : Biomechanical simulation of Drum major

:ukraine: Слава Україні / Glory to Ukraine :sunflower:
8 травня. Ветеранам / May 8th. Veterans

I impressed by the ingenious movement of the Ukrainian Drum major in 2019, embarked on this task, but at that time my analytical skills were still inadequate. After studying her movement and gaining various insights over the next five years, I tried again and this time I was satisfied with the result.

A few years ago, I wanted to interact with Ukrainian engineers and data scientists and eventually realize the next generation of the Industrial Revolution together, but I moved away from Ukraine. After that, I was interacting with the people of Taiwan, but this year the war started, so I came to pay attention to Ukraine again.

« https://varipon.com/index.php/work-plan-2/task-2102-drum-major/ »

Fundamental theorem : http://varipon.com/index.php/theorem/
Formula : https://varipon.com/index.php/work-plan-6/task-61-formula/
Infinite applications :http://varipon.com/index.php/art-work-plan/ , http://bit.ly/2UXaBjo

《帝曰:何謂神。歧伯曰:請言神,神乎神,耳不聞,目明心開,而志先,慧然獨悟,口弗能言,俱視獨見,適若昏,昭然獨明,若風吹雲,故曰神。三部九候為之原,九鍼之論,不必存也。》- 黃帝內經 素問 八正神明論

Using the talent of Kinesthetic Synesthesia, On the midway between philosophy, physics and physiology, Yutaka Sawai (Varipon) offers mathematical equations or letter sequences called the will of the universe which exercises the agent of the movement, the soul of the universe.