Tear up a picture

I want to break up a photo into little pieces and then fly them out of frame. Is there a way to subdivide and separate a plane and keep a pievce of the image texture on each piece of the model instead of the whole image on each piece?


  1. UV texture your image to the mesh.
  2. Select individual faces and separate them (P-key)

Should work

yes, and dont forget to enter the UV edit mode with F-key and also when you have set the image as you want with W-key and moved it in UV map window…do this:

when in F-key mode and want to select a face to seperate it, select face with RMB and then hit TAB to enter mesh edit, hit then P-key to seperate it, should do the trick!!

Thanks, that is exactly what I needed.
I have not learned much about UV mapping yet.