Teared surface with curly endings: Impossible?

I need to make the internal fuzzy endings of a supposedly teared surface, curly. This is an example: [http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-23417380/stock-vector-vector-tear-paper-heart.html&usg=__R45FI_9ow2rNLDBBRity25rKcVk=&h=470&w=450&sz=59&hl=el&start=19&itbs=1&tbnid=SDm5f8FlrfSc1M:&tbnh=129&tbnw=124&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dteared%2Bpaper%26hl%3Del%26sa%3DN%26ndsp%3D21%26tbs%3Disch:1%26prmd%3Di](http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-23417380/stock-vector-vector-tear-paper-heart.html&usg=__R45FI_9ow2rNLDBBRity25rKcVk=&h=470&w=450&sz=59&hl=el&start=19&itbs=1&tbnid=SDm5f8FlrfSc1M:&tbnh=129&tbnw=124&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dteared%2Bpaper%26hl%3Del%26sa%3DN%26ndsp%3D21%26tbs%3Disch:1%26prmd%3Di)

Can it be done in blender, in a way that will look natural and to a desired degree? (Not by just gluing pre-curled surfaces to the main surface).
(And with a non-masochistic method too).

in short not easy to do one

but i can see this is a vector image

you might be able to import it into blender then texture it as you wish!


Wth, I typed up a page long explanation for you and now its gone…

sigh must be my bad connection. Ok, so make the flaps of the tear and subdivide a set of paralell edges to the desired smoothness level or use multires later or something. anyway, make a circle to use as alignment and start curving the paper to follow it by selecting all the verts except one line and moving it to fit, then deselecting the one that fits and moving the next one into place, etc. Thats short and sweet, sorry, I got other things to do than rewrite the detailed page I wrote for you. :smiley: I’m running out of time in my evening.

Well, you got me interested enough to try this. I won’t say that this is the best way to do it, but it seems to work passably well, and has the ability for a lot of user customization. (meaning it’s manual and time intensive to set up.;))

Here is my file so you can see how I did this. Render is actually my second try, after developing most of it on the first object layer.

Sorry about the file size, I’m not aware that 2.53 has the compress file option back, or does it and I’m just missing its location?

hope that’s helpful, let me know if you have any questions.


10-08-11 ATSkill Paper Rip Test.blend (678 KB)

how do you make it tear the paper ?

is it in object mode ?

can you explain !


You can just model each curl part with few polys. Use Suvsurf to smooth it out. And alpha map the jagged edges.

hwo do you make it work with this lattice ?


for mine, I should note, I didn’t really do any curls, but useing a little rotation that shouldn’t be to hard to add. I’ll give a brief walk through of what I did, I won’t explain every little step, if you miss something check the .blend I provided, it should be pretty self explaining when you know what to look for.

  1. create a plane and subdivide it enough to give you something to cut. the more you sub-d it the more accurate you can make the cuts.

  2. use the knife tool “K + left mouse, then drag” to cut out the rip.

  3. “v” tool isn’t working like it should, so I used “p” to separate one half of the paper from the other, and immediately joined them back together into one object. (Note: if you haven’t been using them, USE vertex groups. It will save you lots of time here and later in selecting things. You can look at the groups I used, or even make more specific ones then that, also, there is no problem with some vertices being in more then one group.)

  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for the secondary rips where the paper has come apart by layers, duplicating these sections and attaching it to both sides.

  5. I moved the side that is white (which in reality is a layer below the colored surface on the paper) down by a very little bit, and connected the matching vertices with new faces. (I really wish I had a good bridge tool here) and gave it two more edge loops to sharpen it, and hold the different materials in the right places.

  6. with a subsurf modifier added first, I added two more displace modifier. one for the X, and one for the Y direction. those modifers are attached to effect only the edge vertex group, giving the rough torn look to it. (note: in my file I have to modifers for both sides of the paper, this is unnecessary as you just need to make a new vertex group that has both edges in it, I was just being lazy and did it that way.)

  7. I grabbed some of the larger overlapping flaps on both sides and moved them slightly up or down, giving a bit more realism.

Final notes:
The lattice is completely unnecessary, I made it mostly because the render looked better when the hole paper was bent a little.
doing more curl as in the example picture from the first post should be a simple matter of curling it back on itself while in edit mode. However I am still thinking about it and might just play with another way to do that as well.

hope that’s helpful, again questions are welcome.

Thanx all, I’ll try your suggestions and see what works best for me.

What I was expecting from Blender is a short of applied force to the edge, with proportional distribution, eg like having one part of the teared surface in a vertical position and by applying a gravity force to just the selected edge vertices on the top, would make them bend smoothly downwards on one side, forming a semi-tube -I don’t know if clothing would work somehow.

Obviously it would be better if a specific “Curl Edges” function would exist. You select the edge vectors, the Side of the surface, the “Curl Amount” and that’s it! (In a perfect world).

I’ve been playing with more curling, and so far the best results and easiest to use is to apply and armature to the paper. it’s still a long way off from perfect, but then I’m not very handy with rigging anything myself.


ok, here is an armature applied to a lattice applied to the paper. I’m sure the lattice is probably unnecessary, but here are the results I got with it anyways. note sure what is causing the greyish errors on the extreme bends, but it seems to be following the mesh in some way.


you could use a curling action with a curve modifier

but what you ahve is a lot more then that !

shape of the curling part is not round it’s all jagged

so not easy to do this !

cloth might be feasible may be by using a spiral wind force field
but again how to get the right shape !

i’v seen one using the lattice as a modifier to cut a piece of paper
but not shape like the one you have
and it does not curl as such it goes only up or down

i’ll study the example given and see if anything else can be done


This took about 15 minutes. Only modifiers used (in 2.53) were subsurf L2 (simple, not catmul), Edgesplit, and solidify.
Started with a plane, subdivided 11 times with fractal set to around 4 I think… can’t remember. Removed a couple verts in the middle, then picked the curled edges to peel up, went into an approximate perpendicular view, and held ctrl-lmb to extrude (fixed rotation if needed) then continued on extruding a couple more times in a curl. Went around the hole, made it somewhat torn looking, applied a quick somewhat metal texture, render.


dschnell289, thx, but there are two problems:

  1. it looks rough or low-poly, the curly parts are not smooth -they have corners.
  2. It’s too obvious that if you unfold the curly parts, they will overlap each other.
    I mean, the most-natural look will come from bending the existing teared surfaces -not create them with the extrude key eg. starting by cutting the surface radially (like “X”) and then bend these parts.
    Your method might be good for something quick and not critical though. Thanks again.

someone should make a script for this effect!

happy 2.5

Ok don’t know if anyone will ever see this. Not sure if it’s even still a concern. I’m a total noob b.t.w. - started about 2 months ago with that noob-to-pro thing (i found it really hard).

So I am somewhere in the middle of trying to texture and add objects to my first simple scene, and i attempted to make a curled piece of paper. Straight up modelling just was not accurate enough, and i didn’t want to add bones, cos it would just feel like the easy way out and leave me unsatisfied.

So i came across this old thread and decided to try the curve modifier - not easy to use i might add. Still wrestling with it.

And this is what i came up with! Now i imagine one can make this work with the torn paper idea - good luck with that. Whatcha think?



a blend file wold be nice to test

happy 2.5

sure. how do i attach that?

go to advance mode then at bottom click on manage
then a new window open
at top right click add new file then select folder selet file and at bottom click on upload then at bottom click on insert

it’s long but should work

if not then if you have an MSN account load it up in a free sharing fodler

hope it helps
happy 2.5