
i like, and want to see wires too, but if possible, blender screenshot instead of those godawfull wireframe-material renderings :slight_smile:

also, what is edgeloops?


little explanations on edgeloops: http://cube.phlatt.net/home/spiraloid/tutorial/modeling.html


hi allā€¦iā€™m really sorry for what happened here.yes i should have given credits to the artist whose work inspired me that way.actually i am an silent admirer of amaanā€™s works and his lighting techniques .you know amaan, whether i mention your name or not your work has and will always inspire me.
amaan said:

Hi Kos,

Is it possible for us to see a wireframe of that model? I am curious to see how you were able to produce such a close copy of my work.

It would like to say that when you use someoneā€™s work to produce something that is almost an exact replica, atleast give credit to the original artist (yea, I know you mentioned me, but it was after some people mentioned the resemblance)

The point of the last paragraph is not to belittle your artistic efforts, but to give credit where and when it is due.

i had no intention to put that so called ā€˜teaserā€™ here right now you know.actually i was having a bitter personal experience with someone very close which is not over yetā€¦the fault is all from my sideā€¦and because of this i was not feeling well mentally,my faith in myself was all gone(which i could not recover yet).actually i thought of posting the teaser just a few days before the final product.but as i said before i was not(and still not) feeling well i thought of posting the pic just to get a few repliesā€¦just to feel a bit better inside.when the project would have been finished i would have written in details everything about the red glass demon of amaan akram.but unfortunately nobody waited for thatā€¦i know this is all my fault and i am sorry for that.

amaan please forgive me.

ā€¦and yes about the wireframe thingā€¦i will post everything after my work is done.just wait a week more.just give me a bit time to recover from everything that is currently happening to me.

Very good model.

Amaan, donā€™t let this pal hack your hard drive that easily, lol.

BTW Amaan, youā€™re the one that convinced me to buy Lightwave.

youā€™re a brilliant artist !


Really sorry to hear that all these bad things are happening to you there man, and I really do help it all gets resolved very soon.

And do NOT lose faith in yourself ā€“ You are one of the best (if not the best) Blender modeler out there so if you ever doubt your worth then take a good long look at all those great things you have created and really think about the amount of thought and effort that goes into your creations.

In the apathetic age we live in this kind of commitment proves that you are more than worthyā€¦

Anyway, Good luck and things always improve if you set your mind to it.

very slick! were he my creation, i think Iā€™d add a touch of paint, but he isnā€™t mine after all. very nice! :smiley:

That is a simply incredible modeling job! However, I must confess that I will only be truly impressed by it (in an artistic sense) when I see the parts that you have done completely yourself (i.e. original design work). But it is obvious that you are capable of modeling things with incredible accuracy and detail. Bravo!

theeth: thanks. still, I dont quite understand how you do that in blender?
first model something, than add curves?


basse, with the rusty knife or while no ones looking quickly save as obj and fire up Wings :).

we cooked up a few mesh editing ideas in this thread

I been bouncing my current project constantly between Blender and Wings. I like blenders subsurf display and it just seems to come more easily to me to extrude out a surface (sorry kos :expressionless: :wink: ) working just on the fly and then in Wings start slicing up faces into edgeloops and cleaning up. For me at the moment Blender=creative decisions and Wings =topographical decisions.
Hell iā€™m rammbling Sorry Kos Looking forward to seeing your finished work, the heads a great tribute to Amaan.