Technical Problem - Blender lags terribly

Welcome :tada:

…so after reading this this might just be a problem with this specific older .blend file ?? You didn’t provide any information about the size of your actual scene and also the old object. If you may have looked into this forum before registering you might know that this type of questions are… not so easy to solve for the community… and you may have to spend a little time to be able to upload images or blend files… see also…

( Not every time it’s the app or the OS or anything… lately something just didn’t worked in my browser… and guess what… i had to delete the cookie of this site… and the only one who is changing this… is this site… :person_shrugging:… )

So if you can’t give any more information about this i fear that it’s very difficult to help you right now…

Anyway… really made copy-and-paste between blender instances or appended or linked the file (for the later this might be a problem becasue of the newer version… ?? ← just an idea… so i suggest append… )