Technical Question about Ambient Occlusion in Blender

Is there a quick way to change the color of AO shadows to make them look like dirt and soil? All I am interested in doing is trying to add some realism to a model without making full-blown textures for it, and I was hoping it was possible to change just the AO shadow color?

I would prefer it to work in Cycles, and I’m running version 2.77a.

Thanks in advance!

no, but you can use the Geometry node with the pointiness attribute. the color ramp can be changed to any number of different colors. 0 is acute, 0.5 is flat, 1 is obtuse.

Hmmm…I’ll have to look at that.

The thing that got me thinking about all this was this AT-AT that Ansel was making

I’m interested in replicating the colored shadow effect he’s doing.

if your still working on this, you could bake ambient occlusion to a texture and use that as an FAC.

I’ve no experience with baking. Also, what is FAC?

FAC, factor, the gray thing on the mixRGB and mix shader, slider bar, fader, and so on. its a grayscale value clamped 0-1.

Ah, got it. Thanks Daedalus, I’ve got something to look at. :slight_smile: