Technopapal Destroyer [WIP]


For anyone who don’t know who a Technopope is - give a read to any Jodorovsky / Moebius / Gimenez / Janjetov comic books. I’m big sucker for them. They are really something different and unique.

Anyway, I’m still in the experimentation mode with Tissue addon. After recent tests with curve distribution I wanted to give Tessellate mode a try since this is main Tissue feature.

Main idea is to have base mesh and then distribute components on it. Sadly this method works only for quads and have some limitations so it doesn’t fit in all workflows, but it’s great for any organic, or semi-organic forms.

I didn’t planned to make anything specific, just needed some basic shape to test the tessellation. But as I worked on it I kind of liked how the thing was going, so I decided to make it more serious. I don’t model after any reference and don’t want to be inspired by any concrete example. I mentioned Jodo, as this model kind of resembles the ones from his universe and that’s about it.

What you can see took me 2 and a half days so far.




Update. Still going through component stage. Now I want to finish all details and do some design cleanup. Mainly rework some assets from first stage of the project which don’t exactly fit.

I’m saving the entrance for last. After component phase I want to unwrap them, and clean the tessellated mesh. So far there is not much to fix fortunately. Will see what comes after.

Also a little experiment with space lasers out of 10000 GW area lights :joy: :ok_hand:
Fecking basterds still couldn’t converge after almost 300k samples. Little sad violin.


Finally finished modeling the components. To think this model is one watertight mesh is kinda crazy. Tho I left 3 open loops for parts where the Tissue won’t do.

Now the real journey begins - preparation for texturing and shading. I can do unwrap easily by unwrapping the individual components, so that’s a big plus. But I still didn’t decided if I want to split the model into smaller parts or not. Every option has + and - .

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Progress with unwrapping - about 1/3 done:

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Started doing materials:


I have to admit my brain can’t process what I’m seeing in this images no matter how I look at them :sweat_smile: it’s super cool, and I’m really enjoying the progress. I can honestly say I’ve never seen anything like it


Hey, thanks @joseph !

Haha, YES! I have achieved my goal.
But more seriously - it will be much clearer after the scene is put together.
If you are really curious about the style tho, I left a hint in the first post.

And a bonus from unwrapping:

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First material pass is done.


Super trippy cool! That detail is pretty insane, that gold on black looks really nice as well.

Looked up some of the artwork from “The Incal”, it reminded a bit of the movie Heavy Metal, flashbacks!

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My brain says “exceptionally funky greebles, so much more intriguing than the usual ones”.

I really like this, it looks proper “alien”, and it’s really enjoyable to watch the project grow.


Thanks for the kind words!
The detail is not very hard to make. Scale down the texture so it’s small then add some variation to it. Most materials are PBR mixed with masks or procedurals.

Heavy Metal - How is it that I literally never heard of this movie? Damn, will definitely need to watch it!
Incal may look similar to the movie because Moebius (the illustrator of the Incal) was AFAIK one of the main crew member of the Heavy Metal magazine at that time.

Thanks for the support!

I like that one! Sounds like a cool band name.

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Ya I too look at this and my brain cannot comprehend any of it. It’s all so random and unlike anything I have ever seen. The true definition of alien. But I scroll through, totally intrigued and fascinated, lost in those wonderful details and the flow of the thing.

“The eyes see only what the mind is prepared to comprehend”. This model pushes us to think outside of our default cube like thinking. Great experiment and work. Bravo


Thank you @ErraticStatic !

That’s a very nice quote. I’m stealing it.

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Not very productive day.
I tweaked and fixed some components, but main work of the day was redoing glass and ‘forcefield’ materials.

I’m pretty happy with glass visor, will miss the green one but I like the new one better.

The entrance forcefield is ok-ish. Mixing thin film shaders is messy like doing ballet in crocks.

Also reworked two copper materials.


Definitely check out the original Heavy Metal, there was a sequel years later. You may also want to check out Wizards. These animated movies were late 70’s and early 80’s. To me they were ahead of their times when comparing to other styles.

Dig the updated progress on glass and force field. I could see this (when put into a final scene) being the cover of one of those books, look forward to seeing more!

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Update time! Added some volumes to hide lazy modeling :joy:

And started some work on the bridge. Getting curves on a surface is easy, Getting curves on a surface to conform with the previous design can sometimes be crazy hard.


Slowly but surely I’m moving towards the end of the work with the main body. I have a list of todo’s and its getting shorter by the day. After that I want to finally work on the scene.

Added gigazappers:

And finally started working on neglected hull segments:


Another round. This time I focused mostly on finishing hull patches.

Some time ago I added creases to better define some areas. I completely forgot about this feature during modeling of the main body and I would use it from the beginning, as the Tissue source mesh for tessellate cannot utilize support loops for edge sharpening.

And as a bonus - size comparison with Airbus A380 (model from