
as always, another amazing job! Beautiful work. :yes:

Fantastic! Amazing atmosphere.

Very sweet…the fur looks like it might be a little “nappy”, but if it’s your teddy,
it doesn’t matter. And the eyes are fine, imho. The originals probably fell off
long ago.

If I was going to be creeped, it would be the piece of leather (?) where the
mouth should be.

But I’m not creeped at all…it’s a great piece of work in all ways…modeling, material, lighting, rendering.

ps- I took a nap the other day with a soft teddy bear as a pillow. :smiley:

pps- Thanks for all the great tutorials!
I’ll put a link to your YouTube page on my website.
Tutorials/Books > YouTube Channels > Gleb Alexandrov! :smiley:

I think it’s an awesome model… great materials and lighting, but… how about putting him in a scene… use him to tell a story somehow?

@mecagal - oh, that’s nice, thank you!

@macouno - actually, it’s a great idea. teddy bears always have some narrative potential :slight_smile:

Owldude, lucas3d - appreciate your comments!

that was a good joke ,mid you i didn’t find it funny at the time. I spent an hour trying to find this

Simulate bear - Bear :slight_smile: It should be included in blender as a model for cycles - just like susane for meshes and rigs:)

This “spelle’s” creepy awesome loveet

Very nice work! This is truly amazing:)

owe teddy looks so lonely, I can imagine and animation where a cripple barbie walks up to teddy to cheer him up…

This is a really awesome!

Good work, looks old and lonely

It looks like a painting! Amazing work.

Thank you so much, I appreciate it.

NIce job. The safety pin and plaid fabric give him a nice old school feel. Poor guy really does look abandoned.

Haunting! Very nice high detail render

Wow, very cool!

It’s another perfect example what Blender is able to do…
It look’s photorealistic.