Teh Bloodening

a quickie animation I’ve been working on. youtube link:

Just a quick comment, regardless to the quality of your work :
I don’t think intro and outro credit sequences should last that long for that short animation. It’s more than half the entire piece!
Maybe you should focus on the animation itself, give it more time of work.

Nevertheless I like the animation, it’s fun, i like the atmosphere and it goes well with the music. You could have given a higher resolution to your fluid sim, though.

I know - first of all, I never got the “look” I wanted with a larger domain and higher fluid res, although I’m running another bake at home as we speak. about the credits - it was the only way to get the blood out at the proper timing in the song! I guess I could’ve faded the music in… oh well. nothing’s ever truly finished anyway, and it’s easy to get carried away in aftereffects - a couple fades here, an animator there, and bam the credits are half your animation. c’est la vie. For the next one I am going to put in a bunch of objects, maybe even try to recreate the real scene from the shining shot for shot

i like it. the feeling is very cool.
do you now a tutorial for this theme.
i would make it myself.

Wile interesting and fun to watch, I think the fluid is too thick and red to be blood. It looks more like paint - But like I said - very fun to watch.

apfel - do you want a tutorial on material settings or the process of setting up that fluid sim? A couple of people have asked me for a fluid sim tut so I might get around to it! maybe I’ll expand it into “using fluids with animated objects” because that can be tricky. Check out my youtube profile (teddygage) for more fluids, esp. “realistic blender blood” - I think I nailed the blood texture, fluid settings - this time around. a lot of them are not so obvious.

Hm. Looks like youtube is down… Wish I could see the animation…