Lately i’ve been on a kick to model and render locations from short stories that I write in Blender. Here’s the inner courtyard of the Temple ofTwilight. Modeled in blender 2.32.
It’s too shiny and reflective for my taste though. Also, how about some colour variation on the walls, pillars, etc. Having it all one colour really detracts from this.
I’m being nitpicky with this one because it’s so close to excellent:
Looks like you have some problems with normals at the top – but if you don’t look directly at the black lines, they add something to the image. When you fix them, I would suggest adding some variations to the ceiling to keep things interesting.
The torches look funny; I would try the unified renderer first, and then look at increasing the number of halos and decreasing the brightness of the material. A glow around each one would be pleasant as well.
Bump map looks very noisy – can you filter it more?
Just a few small changes; it’s done, but just needs tweaking. Excellent work.
not sure how it looks on your screen, cus everyones is slightly different but thats ether a shadow in the center or a weird shaped hole in the ground… Can;t really tell.
cool. I would have enjoyed more light bouncing around the temple to satisfly my curiosity though ;p
the ships are pretty interesting, could use better backgrounds & renderings though
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