tenement house

my first post here. And my first cycles render. I tried to learn rendering using 3ds max and vray few years ago, but I never made anything interesting.
Few months ago I decided to learn again, but with blender cycles.

This looks incredible! The textures specifically look excellent! Did you get the textures from the internet or make them yourself? Also do any of the textures tile or is it all unique? I ask this because I’m wondering if the graffiti and chipped paint is overlayed on top of a repeating textures or if it’s all part of the same texture.

Nicely done, with great grunge work.

You did a very good job on this! The only thing I have that could maybe add a good touch to it is to add something behind the camera such as a different hdri or something to give more reflections on the glass. This is still an amazing render though!

nicely done, just geometry could use some light bevel. and something for windows to reflect also would improve image

Top notch modelling and texturing. Kudos.

very nice i like the detail. great textures. the damp street is a nice touch.

Great Work - I Love the Reflection and the “matte” look of the walls.

happy blending

I love all the work of textures, great!

Textures are nice, but there are WAY obvious seams where brick ends and cement begins.

Wow, nice! I love how you have included so many little details of a block in the city, that really sells it to me.

It seems like Bertrand Benoit’s project, but its not true. It yours

I have to say, the bump/displacement on the ground in the foreground looks too high to me. I would expect it to be more subtle. Also, try mixing the noise shaders, it looks far too uniform at a small scale. The same goes for the top windows, bump is too high and uniform. Mix your noises at different scales, and reduce the height for subtle rather than pronounced.

Having said that, there is potential in the image.