Terminator Fan Film /vfx

Sorry I do not speak English, I used google translate.
Let me share a personal project, “Terminator Fan Film” is an attempt to emulate a scene from the movie “Termiantor 3”, as fans of the series and the visual effects we wanted to venture and try to make this work which took us months, just as tribute and personal satisfaction.
It’s only 10 seconds of vfx but we have learned many things from blender doing it.
It is a job that can be improved but surely we got to limit our pc, we hope to continue improving.
vfx all done using Blender internal render, final editing with Premiere.

Thank you!

Excelente trabajo!!! Congratulations to all who participated in the projec.
Has also been nice to see the steps in creating the scene.

Really good!!! Keep going :slight_smile:

Pretty solid work!

Thank you very much for your comments!

Excellent job ! I love the movies and what you did on this one is simply awesome.

Really good modeling.

Great work, Leon! An impressive result, you mixed live action with CG very well! I’d love to see more recreations of famous shots from films like this. Well done!

Incredibly impressive! Trailblazing!



Alucinante!! Muy buen trabajo, seguid asi.

Gran trabajo!, excelente modelado y la composición quedo genial… Es muy grato haber visto el desarrollo del proyecto casi desde el principio. Felicidades Chicos
Saludos Leo y Javier. Sigan así

Some problems I noticed in the scene:

  1. The flames in the foreground should be motion tracked because when the camera is zooming they seem like floating in a user interface.
  2. The metal surface of the skeleton does not reflect the flames, there should be some action going there.
  3. The lighting of the scene could be more dynamic and affect the objects around, especially the actor or the heli on the back, some sort of flickering due to fire or sparks could occur.

But in general terms it’s awesome work and very interesting the final result is great to watch. Well done and keep up the good work. :slight_smile:

Totally agree, but need to improve several aspects have reached the limit of my PC and I could not give a better finish, but these things I had in mind.
Also the effect of distortion temperature change in the air because of the heat from the flames can be seen in the original scene had in mind.
As to flame, are positioned in planes within the 3D scene and respects the movement of the camera, must be that there is little distance between the flame and the lens.
As we had overextended in time, it is something that we started last year and decided to terminate it at the point it was.
Of course any criticism or suggestion is welcome, it is a way to learn the details and aspects of the other’s eyes shine a light leak.
I hope I made my point and I use a translator !!
Thank you!

Totalmente de acuerdo, falta mejorar varios aspectos pero llegue al límite de mi pc y no pude darle un mejor acabado, pero son cosas que tuve en cuenta.
También el efecto de distorsión por cambio de temperatura en el aire a causa del calor de las llamas que se aprecia en al escena original tenia en mente.
En cuanto a las llamas, están colocadas en planos dentro de la escena 3d y respeta el desplazamiento de la cámara, debe suceder que es poca la distancia entre las llamas y la lente.
Como nos habíamos extendido demasiado en el tiempo, es algo que empezamos el año pasado y decidimos darlo por terminado en el punto que estaba.
Por supuesto toda crítica o sugerencia es bienvenida, es una manera de aprender, detalles y aspectos que se escapan la mirada de los otros las sacan a la luz.
Espero haberme hecho entender ya que uso un traductor!!

Thank you very much everyone for the great support they give us great pleasure to read your posts because it motivates us to keep improving.

Awesome!!! love that snipped, no crits from me…

Love the breakdown matched to the final output, very good work and inspiring since you used Internal :smiley:

the reason i visit this website is to getting inspired,sometimes i really don not have any motivation to make sth in blender,seeing stuff like yours really inspires me :o

That is awesome! Nice done.

Bravo, bravo, bravo! Really great work!

Amazing work! Just as good as a shot from an industry movie !