Terrain from topographic data?

Can I make a terrain mesh in Blender from topographic data?

Would this be done with using a grayscale height map of the image?



There used to be a 3D data import script some time ago.

Googling blender+topographical+data


Quite old but did work, DEM files. Do you have access to the 3D data in that format?

what data do you have?

If you have actual height/point data, there is a script for skinning a point cloud. Then a retopo and you have a fine terrain. will post details if you want

if you are using greyscale image, you can use the displace modifier, it should be fine.

Hi there i am trying to solve a similar problem. I have lots of data of a particular area (golf course) contours and spot height. I also have used sketchup to make a heightmap of the area, in sketchup i was able to make a topo from the contour data then apply a black to white gradient to it and render a 2D image from an overhead camera. no i would like to take the data into blender.
Is it possible to skin the contours in blender.
I have tried the method of importing the heightmap and applying noise to push up a grid but it is really inaccurate, i have never herd of using a displace modifier, could yoou explain in a little bit more detail.? my first attempt didn’t work

seeing that you already have a terrain in SU, you could just export it from SU using the obj or dxf or stl export plugins, then import to blender.

otherwise, you can skin the contours (points, actually) in blender using the point cloud skinner script. can post details if you dont’ succeed with above import/export.