Terrain Mixer for Amazing Terrains! šŸ‘

Iā€™ve tried several other terrain generators for Blenderā€¦free & paid.
I gave up on 2ā€¦couldnā€™t do anything. But am able to get somewhere with Terrain Mixer.
TM is a complex node setup (though may become an addon later per developer), that creates awesome terrains. Iā€™m just starting & have lots to learn, but
did this simple animation which was very satisfying for me. Hope you will like.
Terrain Mixer is available at BlenderMarket & Gumroad. Worth it! :wink::+1:
(note: please turn sound on, volume up!)

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As this is selling a product, it needs the commercial tag. Iā€™ve added it for you :slight_smile:

Thanks, I didnā€™t know that, but will in the future.
Does that apply even if I didnā€™t include links to BlenderMarket or Gumroad?

Iā€™m not actually sureā€¦ @bartv ?

I believe so since youā€™re talking about a paid add on.

BTW, itā€™s not an addonā€¦you donā€™t install it, just unzip the files & arrange them
according to the instructionsā€¦very easy. :wink::+1:
There are so many controls, itā€™s a little intimidating,
but so was Blender at first. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Here is the latest videoā€¦more of an overview of the controls, but shows how easy
it is to create hi-res terrains quickly.

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Yeah itā€™s a promotion for a paid product. And even if the links werenā€™t in the post, they were in the video.

Thanks for clarifying it. :wink::+1:

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Bit offtopic, but that logo animation with the mixers is just genius. Great work all around, might buy later, idk