terrain textures

Is there any way to give realistic textures to terrains similar to having subsurfaces in terragen or even more realistic ? It could also be that i may have to use some plugins in blender. The problem with ter2blend is that it clips images greater than 255x255 right? Please let me know. I really appreciate it.


If you only want the image from Terragen to use as a texture in Blender then place your camera looking down onto the scene in terragen, render, save (as .bmp is the only option I think) and use that image in Blender.

If you want the whole Terragen scene you will need ter2blend. Ripsting has a good tut on one of his sites.


A while ago I posted a thread asking if gradient responsive textures were available for Blender.

Like the altitude/slope ground materials in Terragen, I think Theeth pointed me to a set of plug-ins for Blender.

Unfortunately I can’t find the link, but if you did a search on the forums I’m sure the post would turn up.


Sonix: you mean this: http://www.geocities.com/blenderdungeon/t_texture/index.html ?


Martin thankyou, that’s a superb memory you have there.


Martin thankyou, that’s a superb memory you have there.[/quote]
well thank you :slight_smile:


But do T_plugins work in 2.27?


sure do.
