Test: How Cubey Are You?

This test isn’t designed to test you for testing for using the syllable “test” too many testing times in a testy sentest. If the question’s answer is “yes,” then add the number of points to your score.

There’s been a small outbreak of the disease known as “Cubitis,” so I decided to make this test for all of you to make sure you’re not as unfortunate as me (I started it):

Have you ever promised people that you’d do something, only to go do something else? (14 points)
Do you like banging your head against walls? (10 points)
Do you hate valarking? (5 points)
Do you think blendermax is funny at times? (25 points)
Is your favorite TV show “24?” (24 points)
Do you have favorite TV shows that are sketch comedy, anthologies, black-and-white, or date before the 1980s? (80 points)
Do you like movies where it’s considered funny when someone has shot himself in the head and blood splatters realistically on a wall? (12 points)
Do you like anime? (-17,576 points)
Are you biased towards something because the artist lives in your local state, country, or county? (1234 points)
Did you like any of these movies (list 5 points for each one): Rushmore, Run Lola Run, Waking Life, High Fidelity, or Cube?
Have you ever drawn people making out? (25 points)
Do you want to lucid dream? (5 points)
Have you consciously lucid dreamed? (-5 points)
Have you ever had a dream where you did something consciously, not knowing it was a dream at the time, and actually did it in reality (i.e. rolling in dream, rolling off bed in reality; hidden something dream, hidden it really)? (25 points)
Have you ever dreamed of places that are real, but really aren’t like you dreamt them? (19 points)
Have you ever felt like shooting someone, despite the fact that they either hadn’t done anything or you didn’t have a gun at all? (15 points)
Does your avatar move? (5 points)
In your avatar, does something flash onscreen for one frame, and then disappear? (29 points)
Do you like something you’ve only read the sources of, and not the real thing? (21 points)
Are you in school? (12 points)
I mean like right now. (1 point)
Do you hate it? (13 points)
Is it against the rules to go online, though you do it anyway? (13 points)


Negatives: Why so negative? You’re such a jerk. Not to mention you must like hentai… especially yaoi hentai if you’re a boy.
1-13 points: You’re somewhat unaffected. It’s okay, because everybody’s like that. Okay, maybe that’s not good, but you know what I mean, I hope.
14 points: You’re a damn hypocrite. Jerk.
15-80 points: Check with your doctor to see if you have Cubitis.
81-17,576: You almost certainly have it. Check with your doctor, and no matter the results, tell him to shoot you.
More than 17,576: Now you’re just cheating. Jerk. Go to your doctor or an enemy’s house and tell them to shoot you.

i get ZERO

i am nothing like you at all.

add these questions to your list.

are you annoying to anyone and everyone?? (no points coz its not a competition)


Oh no! I got 102,424 points! AAAARRGGHH!!!

Damn! Sweet sixteen and your’e square already. Ah well, chin up, better than being a square at thirteen!


i got 25. now guess what question i got it from… :stuck_out_tongue:

an1m3 4 3v3r :stuck_out_tongue:


Wow! Even the moderators are joining in.

Cube, you are a movie buff right? Did you ever see “Office Space”?
The first is you now. The following three are glimpses of your future unless you stop these idiotic polls.



I included your .wav file as well. http://www23.brinkster.com/bluemeany/images/Cube_stapler_plea ---- just for good measure.

Sorry, Cube. Just having a little fun with you. :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

wooot, nice glasses there CubeFan! :stuck_out_tongue:


Geez, he’s still got the same bicycle!


He… He… That’s cubefan all right.

i’ve seen that movie, its funny crap, i can’t remember what it was called but hey, it was still damn funny.


p.s. no i honestly got ZERO for cubys questions!!

bwahaha @ the pictures!

hmmm… i think liking anime hurt my scrore just a LITTLE

I got 5, for my avatar.
That’s it.

LOL! I think I’ll download that wav now.

Now my brother is complaining that you just put up something from “Office Space.” Which reminds me…

(adds “Office Space” to list of movies to see)