Test Morphing Sequence

At the link below, I would like to hear any ideas on how to improve on this animation. It would also be beneficial if you have any files or links on methods that you are suggesting. I know 3 things already wrong with the animation that I will work on that later. The speed was moving too fast, I forgot to make certain objects to appear at certain times, and the fingers aren’t bending the way it should. I know that much already. So any other ideas are much appreciated.


sorry but where is the animation :slight_smile:

It’s right underneath the message.

Woah, now that’s FAST. Didn’t understand anything mate :frowning:

???, well, well…

Ok. The speed was one of the reasons why it need to be fixed. I’ll work on it tomorrow.
I may need to over haul it all together.

What the hell was that? :stuck_out_tongue:
What you should do is stream those white lines all around the model and camera to create some sort of visual disadvantage, and THEN switch the models.

Ok, so I should add more lines. What do I do to make a visual disadvantage? Create some sort of flash of light?

There’s too much happening in such a short amount of time. I think that’s what you probably should be looking at, first.

I’m highly aware of the speed. I’ve already pointed that out.

dude … theres a lots of prob in anim … try this 1st and then jump into animation …


That information is outdated and I don’t see anything of value at that website.

personally what i would do is fade out your character and fade in the costume… much slower than you are now,

I’m trying find out the best frame rate speed for the animation. 25 frames per second seems to be too fast for me and I’m afraid going over that amount might slow it down too much. So now I’m going through an internal conflict with myself.

try this then

I checked it out, but I still need to slow down the speed. That’s all I can really get out of that website.

Here I am back again. It has been a long week and so I changed the speed to slow it down at first. The results for it didn’t come out the way it hoped. So I added the Motion Blur feature and scale back the movements making the model move at 6.5 frames. Honestly, I think that this video turned out pretty good. Again, this will not be the final result. I’m just testing it out on how I can make move as smooth as possible.

you can definitely see a great improvement from the first to this one. Keep it up

FI-NAL-LY! Man, it’s like playing that game on The Price is Right when you flip 5 numbers and ask if you have any number right! You get it wrong, you don’t hear anything. You get it right, you hear the horn. ast least now, I found my groove. One hurdle down, 5 more to go!