Test Suite creation in robotframework-eclipse-python

I am using robot framework-python-eclipse package for my functional test automation. I have put all test cases in one folder and running those by putting below command on command line and its running fine and giving the result.

robot --timestampoutputs --log TestLog.html  --report TestReport.html --outputdir D:\TestProject_Regression_Screenshots\TestAutomationResult   -T TesttTestSuite_5Oct

But Few things I am stuck with.

  1. If I use robot test suite in eclipse then I need to put the code of all the test script in one file but I have 50 test scripts and I want to keep and run them independently and not to add in one file then how to create a test suite ? I am using robotframework-metrics to get the result on dashboard. As I am not using test suite from eclipse hence my dashboard of robotframework-metrics is showing test case name as test suite
  2. How to run single test case for multiple times using different parameters in single run. e.g. If I want to test login functionality with 5 different credentials then how to parameterized it to check with them one by one
  3. As I am running it using eclipse then the test cases are set in alphabetical order. How to set the order as per requirement without renaming?

4.I have 50 test scripts in 50 different .robot files then is there any way to call (not paste) them in one .robot file which will be a test suite and can run?

Though I am not familiar with this framework. First thing to look is to see what are the command line parameters are. So that way you know what you will have to set.


In the same way Blender command line args are here.


So is only a matter of writing an invoker script for either robot or blender in python, that will use subprocess.call() and construct the needed command line arguments dynamically. As for example you can read the list of tests from a text file, then iterate all entries, and start with subprocess using the --background argument so you can test everything in one go.