Test: Volumetric clouds.

Well I´ve tried to make clouds with particles with no luck. Then I saw a thread with clouds that S68 made (I think). It used planes with cloud textures with alpha on and TraShadow on. It looked really good but it was just a round plane.

So I made the planes look like a shape of a cloud and used the same technic. With and extra UV mapped alpha for the edges.

As you can see the there are some problems with the cylindershadow when it goes thrue the planes of clouds.

It´s really slow to but the results makes it worth it.

Btw could somebody tell me where I can upload a zip file that contains this blend. The packed blend with zip pack also is only 55kb as just the packed is 1.09 Mb.


This definitely looks to me like a bug with shadows. I’ll have to check on it. If you could post the file to the bug tracker on projects.blender.org I would appreciate it. Thanks!

Slow as in render times?..I am looking into this for the Crosswalk project. If you caould post me a .blend I would appreciate it.

Yep, bery nice, and I agree, it could be a bug.

Actually I’ve placed a stupid Blend Sphere tecxture on alpha to give my cloud a ball shape, your UV piant masks are definitely better!



Slow as in render times?..I am looking into this for the Crosswalk project. If you caould post me a .blend I would appreciate it.[/quote]

Yeah the render time with osa on and many planes makes it very slow. But you could render it once and add it like an image on a plane.

What´s your e-mail so I can send it to you?


Look into this thread here

mmm it is looking good [!] [!]

Shadows: Did you try unified render?

Or maybe this is just the kind of case where deep shadow maps are needed: http://graphics.stanford.edu/papers/deepshadows/deepshad.pdf

Yes I tried the unified render also but with no luck. My theori is that the raytraced shadow cant go thrue more then 10 planes. Something to do with the blender code.


I think we will end up pre rendering them and putting them on planes

could I get these clouds emailed to me? my username at gmail.com

I made decent volumetric clouds with particles.
