testin out yafray.. NEW PIC ADDED

i figured since every 1 else postin yafray stuff… i might as well
heres 2 thing i made today w/ blender+yafray the 2nd one is still a wip


what do you guys think?

edit: heres another :wink: http://www.total-darkness.com/mechbhdri.jpg
HDRI test… i deleted the background with photoshop when it was done

  • i think i may become an addict like bgdm %|

RE the 1st pic: I’ve never seen a can of paint so damn shiny! :slight_smile:

RE the 2nd pic: nice modelling and textures. I like the way the “BAR” sign glows. The content of the scene confuses me though: are those mechanical sharks a legion of bouncers and doormen? or am i missing something? :wink:

i geuss the mechanical shark looking things were sopposed to be like some kind of vehicle… like a futuristic motocycle or something, and a gang of bikers are parked outside the bar :wink:

heres a little update on the 2nd one

COOOOOL! now they’ve got chain guns! :wink:


that’s pretty good. That must be some serious biker gang with guns like that. I would add some labels and stuff to the paint can because it looks very promising…


woo! lookin good, Piler 8)

Nice stuff.

I agree about the paint can being too shiny though.

The futuristic cars and Bar scene is very cool. I still need to figure out how to get the glow in YAFray.

The last image with HDRI looks fantastic! I have found out that if you export the image with the Apha option on, the HDRI image will not appear in the final render. Then you can just fill it in with what ever colour you want in PS or GIMP.

And yes, I am now an HDRI addict. It just looks so damned good.


Nice! I wish YABle worked for me; then I could maybe do some stuff in YAFRay.

I still need to figure out how to get the glow in YAFray.

yea me to, would probably look real cool if i could make that bar sign like a glowing light or something, the one i posted with the glow was just a photoshopped glow :expressionless:

very cool pics, but i think the last one(the hdri thingy) looks kinda awful :frowning:
far too shindyand you cant really see what it is :frowning:


i updated the hdri pic… sorta sux that i forgot to hide a layer with half the model on it but i dont feel l ike rendering it again now it took 6 hours, maybe overnight


That…is…awesome. :expressionless:

Hold on, that was not good enough…


Seriously, that looks amazing. If there was such a thing as whatever it is in the picture I would probably think it was a photo.

Are you going to put a floor texture on? I recommend tiles. :slight_smile:

Amazing work. Very well done. :smiley:

6 HOURS!!! That should not take 6 hours man.

What were your AA and Mini AA settings? Also, what was the Hemi Light samples setting?

For my renders, I only set the Hemi Light samples to about 10, (=100 or so), and then set AA samples to 4 and Mini AA Samples to 4. I get great results with just the right amount of grain, IMO. This should have only taken about 1 hour tops with the settings I mentioned.

Great work though. I love HDRI renders. They just look so realistic.


i have updated the hdri picture with the fixed version (with the correct layers hidden) and bgdm i almost used the same settings as you posted, except i used 8 passes instead of 4 and i put the raydepth on 10, i think ill use 4 and 4 next tiem i do this kind of render

and it probably wouldnt have taken soo long but my brother was using the computer the whole time it was rendering… downloading song n stuff heh

ah… that new one is far better