Animatinator, Animafreek and I made this earlier,
(it sure is great to live near other blender heads)
Animatinator, Animafreek and I made this earlier,
(it sure is great to live near other blender heads)
Double post*
Triple Post**
tetris art sounds cool, but I don’t have flash sorry
Single post.
I just laughed at kbot’s post.
not really sure what you did in the video, except play a very bad game of tetris, but I’m guessing that was intentional.
not really sure what you did in the video, except play a very bad game of tetris, but I’m guessing that was intentional.
Yup, we had a reason for it at the time; I don’t really remember what it was though
The part I played was coding the version of the game that’s being filmed
I was expecting mario to be formed right in the middle of it in the purple blocks.
It kinda pissed me off that you guys were so bad at Tetris. You need to get as good as this dude.
Then we can talk!
Nah in all seriousness nice work, Tetris is a classic!