This is loosely based on Texas. I have just recently been trying out different ideas of textures. And i dont really know what to add next. any ideas and crits would be welcomed
Looks good so far! I think a broken down carriage would be nice behind the cactus, with tumbleweed drifting by. Maybe some crows flying circles in the sky in the background
Broken carriage would be awesome, great ideas! but now to put them into practice :L
It looks a bit too much like sand dunes. Mountains like that seem to have more defined layers of rock and sediment.
thanks very much, i’ll go back into that and get it more like the pics above.
to save you modelling it and enable you to focus on the landscape, heres a broken down cart for you from durian on blendswap -
Thanks, will save time for me
infact, i think im going to medl it myself, so i have the right idea which i want to achieve, thanks anyway
Maybe a Yucca plant would be a good touch.
To get the shadows to look better, you might want to add some normal maps (to give everything more texture and detail), and you will need to tone down how bright the light is. If you are using a hemisphere light, you might want to try a combination of a sun + a few point lights instead. The only other thing that really sticks out is the cactus texture. You might want to look at some picture of cactus to make a better texture and normal map for it.
The model look awesome, just the render need some work
im recently new to this and this is so far my best model(yet). im currently using the sun. but what do you mean by maps?(new to this) and yeh the cactus texture is pretty wierd, i’ll look at that.
To make a normal map, (I’m using the 2.57 way) you go to the texture tab, and under the influence section, you enable “Normal.” This will make everything bumpy, but more so to add detail than as a bump map. You just adjust the slider until it looks good. You can make a separate texture than your diffuse texture, and just disable color influence.
edit: a bump map is something that displaces a mesh to make really bumpy stuff, but require a lot of subdivision. A normal map just changes the height of these weird things called normals.
Hey man Awesome Scene ill check in and help whenever i can but im really new to this. good work!
Just a query here, but when you enable ‘Nor’ isnt that bump mapping? where it takes the black and white value of the texture to create the appearance of adjusted Geometry, Where as Normal maps are when you create a high poly version of the model and bake a normal map to add to the low poly to mimic the detail of the high poly? ive heard they are similar but on a different scale. If im wrong please let me know as i could do with learning this stuff
Oh… maybe so. I should have said “displace.”
where it takes the black and white value of the texture to create the appearance of adjusted Geometry, Where as Normal maps are when you create a high poly version of the model and bake a normal map to add to the low poly to mimic the detail of the high poly? ive heard they are similar but on a different scale.
I’m not sure about the difference between bump mapping and normal mapping but I think they are the same Normals control subtle changes in the surface, so I could see how you could bake a hi-res model. Bump mapping (or displacement ??), however, require subdivision to work and is limited to the resolution of the model, while normal mapping will work with none, and still have the maximum detail.
the needles on the cactus are a bit to long and the tips of the cactus don’t seem rounded enough but maybe it’s just the angle and if you also mean the grainy shadows in the wagon, you need to increase the samples or get better lighting to try and fix it but you’ll most likely have to go with more samples, which will increase your render times significantly. In fact since you’re using AO by the looks of it, tone it down a bit to .7 or even .5 and that might help as well. At least I’m pretty sure these will help but anyone correct me if I’m wrong, I don’t want to give out the wrong info
Thanks for your help, i’ll try what you’s have said and get back to you later on tonight.
This is going to be really nice. I think that there is lot of stuff in so small area. I am not sure is it good or bad thing.
Lmao I think I saw this outside my house the other day! (I live in texas)
Anyway, still looks a little bit fake, try using bump maps? also the “cliff” in the background doesnt have a sharp enough contrast from the ground (like a straight up curve)
i dont want it too look to realistic, sort of cartoony, if you get me?. and i’ll work on the cliff. its my first real model that i have wanted to finish, cant wait to work on it.