Hey People.
I’ve got a question.
On the bottom of my HUD scene i added a transparent object “Text background” for example with Left mouse sensor for an empty that is on the left side of that “Text background” to add a text object. How can i type in it?
Apart from that, why is it adding the text object even if i don’t press on the “Text background” but if i press LMB next to it?
Any any ideas please? Thanks in advance.
@Sitag Not really following what you are asking. Are you just asking how to add a text object and then change the text to something you want it to say instead of the default “Text” word? Or are you asking something different. Maybe a screenshot at least would help to understand a little better.
If You move the mouse under where it says Blender Render, or Blender game You’ll notice that the mouse cursor changes to 2 arrows pointing up and down as an indicator that if You press and drag it will open a window in which Blender is going to show all of the main actions that You do in Blender. If You add text object in the main 3D view and hit Tab in order to Edit the text object , in that window above it will show bpy.ops.object.editmode_toggle(). What i ment was if i press on the “Text background” to actuate adding a text object that empty puts there, how can i get into it’s edit mode as in terms of to get into text objects “bpy.ops.object.editmode_toggle()” so that i can type in it. Seems like i cant figure this one out.
@FlyingBanana nevermind i think that i have figured out a better alternative for typing in Blenders game mode. I am going to make an empty that will move to the right after placing a letter and be ready for the drop of next letter. And for backspace i am going to make a movement of a cube or that moves along with empty with end object to it as it moves to the left and erases what has been typed. In this way i guess i will be able to make collision plates in some places with action actuators that moves a plate up to where the text will get moved for detection of sets of letters in words in order to execute the actions of some certain things towards the projects theme i guess i will have to bump into tonnes of problems with this in order to get it right. I am totally mind blown by this software.
Alright, yeah good thing cause I have not even once messed with blender game engine so I wouldn’t have been much help there one bit. Glad you found a work around though.
I guess, making of something like a thing called “log” was on my mind.