Text Question

I have been trying to make a text curve right to fit on a very broad cone. I know how to make text follow a curve, but how can I make it curve in two directions?

I tried to do it with limited success. I did shrink wrap on a cone and moved the cone to another layer. it warped the ends down.
I used curve deform on the text and then rotate the text . This worked a little . difficult to control.
I have not yet found 2 constraints that will work well together for this.
If you convert your text to a mesh you can see all the lines in the mesh when it is twisted on 2 dimensions. ( Or is that on the z only?).
You can get it to taper and curve with curve deform alone. But I did it by accident and could not reproduce it ( with little effort ). I parented to a curved curve ( curve deform) then curved it again on another dimension .

hi i tried something with a curve and lattice mod.
see .blend file

is this wat you wanted?


text.blend (147 KB)