Text window: can it default to actually WORKING?

Is there any reason for the Text Window to start with NO datablock?

My reasoning: if you’ve opened a Text Window, you either want to work on a New text datablock, which could be the default, or you want to work on an existing datablock, which you can select, which could also be opened by default.

Having a text window open with NO datablock, and not being able to type or copy into it, is nonsensical. If there are zero datablocks, a new one should be created. If there are datablocks, the last one used should still be in that window. But there shouldn’t ever be NO datablocks.

This reeks of programmer obsession versus usability. It smacks of word processors that insist you save an empty file before proceeding, in the stone age of computing.

Blender is not a text editor and it uses an inner structure with data blocks which can be connected to different objects so to speak. So the blender text editor is a nice to have because you don’t have to edit python script or text used as data in an external text editor. So blaming not personally paid programmers to not implemented personally wanted features is something which is more a remnant of stone age to me than
selection the wanted text, or pressing the new or open buttons.

Jeric, the best thing for u to fix this is to save the default.blend file with the text editor open to a new file.
This becomes the default. This ain’t lw; you can decide what’s your default.

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The developers are traditionally resistant to the very concept of “convenience”, which is lame. But they sure are consistent about it. Decades of inconvenience. It’s the blender culture.