I once tried to play a texture animation I animated with AnimAll add on, but when I programmed it to play in game engine, it doesn’t play the animation.
The regular way to animate textures can lead ot mistakes and doesn’t necessarily open all possibilities like conveyor belts or auto-lipsynching. I also heard that you can animate textures with shape keys as well, but the shape key doesn’t work in textures.
So any ideas how do I get the animated texture to my BGE?
Just followed ThaTimst3r’s tutorial considering animating texture for BGE, but it’s not animating. Should I program it to work somehow? If so, are there step-by-step tutorials for it?
in UPBGE you have a time node that you can connect to a uv input in a texture node (or do some math to adjust speed, or make it move in a single direction). it is the best way of animating textures because you don’t need a python script, so it is automatically applied to all the objects with this material and all the work is done by the gpu.
for animations in wich you use sprites, you need to increase the speed until the frames move so fast that it creates the illusion of animation. to increase the speed, multiply the time node by a high number (this depends on the amount of frames of your animation and how many frames there are in each row/column). if you want the object to stop after the animation is done (with fire for example), what i did was give the object a lifetime equal to the time it takes the animation to finish. if the animation has 24 frames (and it’s 24 frames a second) then it would be 1 second.