Texture experiment

I wanted to make a texture complete with spec and bump map, so I made this as a proof of concept before I go outside with the digital camera and start taking pictures of whatever I can find.

Any comments on whether or not this is what a color/spec/bump map is supposed to look like?


very nice, may i ask what the texture is?

uhmmm, standstone I guess.


second rock down.

That’s pretty much what a bump, diffuse and spec map look like. great job.


it suits well…

MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM yum yum Drool KEBAB! :smiley: :o :smiley:

Hmm… if we could capture real bump, specular and color map I doubt they look like that. Bump and specular maps are not usually carbon copies of colormap. Bump map should capture bumps, eh, and it is sometimes hard to do realisticly with just 256 grey level. Ok, we do not have too much choice when using Blender (or many other 3d renderer) as it does not support normal maps.

IMO for best results bump maps and specular maps should be hand crafted, mayby using shots taken on different lighting angles for bump/specular reference.

I’ll try to make some examples to clarify comment.