Texture from object above

I’m not really sure what to call this problem, but basically I’m wondering if I could use a texture from the object of above another object and paint it onto the object below.

That may sound kind of strange so I’ll explain the setup:

Here’s a head 3D scanned from PhotoScan

And the retopo, problem is the texture on the photoscan head looks like this:

It’d be a nightmare to piece together by hand. So I’m wondering if I can quickly match it to the new retopo UVs somehow.


Yes, it is a process called render baking / texture baking. Just put the objects in the same space, ensure that your low poly model has an image attached to it’s UV cords, and go to the bake buttons in the render panel for options.
(edit) you’ll have to select the high poly model then shift R click to select also the target model, before baking, and choose ‘selected to active’