Texture is changed when rendered

I am in the process of creating a building and I have a problem with my windows, when in material view everything is fine but as soon as I render it the texture seems stretched in odd ways. I’ve unwrapped with smart project as you probably can tell from the uv’s… I really don’t know why this is happening…

Here it is

No blend file supplied with your post to review !! Why not ?

Check your object does not have more than 1 UV map. If it does you need to ensure that you are using the correct one for the material texture coordinates using an attribute node instead of the texture coordinate node with the name set as the UV map name

Sorry I forgot! Here is the blend file City 8.3.blend (1.37 MB)
I’m not really sure how to use the attribute node though… thank you for helping me :smiley:

You have 2 UV maps. In the UV editor window you are using the one called ‘bake’ but the material is using the first one ‘UVMap’ as you haven’t told blender to use another one.

Use the attribute node with the correct UV map name

Also when you supply a .blend file ensure you also supply any relevant textures (they were missing from your file) by packing them in your file (File / External Data menu)

Thank you so much! :smiley: And I’m sorry for not including the textures I’ve never uploaded anything on a forum before so I didn’t think of it :stuck_out_tongue: I really appreciate your help! :slight_smile: