I created a cork. Unfortunately, the part down looks wrong and I don’t know how to fix this…
I’m not sure I see the problem. Is the texture too small? If it’s a tiling texture, you can just scale up the UV coords in the UV editor. Also, I think you can get away with far less polygons than you have currently.
Try to arrange the vertices in the UV unwrap concentric or linear, not wavy. That’s why the texture looks deformed in waves.
I removed some of the edges from the cylinder but it looks still wavy. Do you know a automatic way to smooth the waves?
You’ll need to use the “Follow Active Quads” unwrapping, after Aligning your UV edges along both X and Y. Alternatively, you can just use “Lightmap Pack”, which will give more seams, but will make all edges straight
I installed the TexTools but it’s not showing in my Blender v3.1
Just a shot in the dark: Try Mesh >> reset normals, and unwrap again.