Texture not appearing in cycles (2023)

the light is working, including changing its wattage, at least in the downloadable and in his image above… you can see the point light there. what the downloadable shows for me is a missing texture on the walls and flag, and pretty much everything else not having any material. logically, if 2ManPi has the missing textures then it should show in cycles.

Note also: no camera in scene, so i couldn’t just hit render to see what cycles really looked like (as opposed to the viewport)

when i add a camera and render in cycles, i get exactly the expected result:

The problem seems to be that if someone find’s a problematic setting… then you just fire up the next thing you tried…

  • no light → nothing to see
  • almost no light → almost nothing to see

Well this already was the anser.

Next shown: material (texture; which is not included in the blend file ) … and the cryptic comment nothing happens… well lookinf at the UV…

IDK… it’s just problems over problems you keep coming up with…
…there defenitely went something wrong in between somwhere… or more…

that’s an … ummm … interesting unwrap.

is the UV map you used included with Blender? or one you d/led?

Here’s another version with the camera…+ Here’s the texture I used in case u wanted to apply it (idk why it’s not showing up)

The PBR material

is this not the result you get in cycles, with a white light instead of blue? (ignoring the flag)

Nope…+ The flag texture renders fine in my version…
That’s not a bad thing since it ensures that the problem is in the texture…The texture still doesn’t want to load…I’ll try to relode it

are you rendering? or looking in viewport? if you’re looking in viewport, note that the “Cube” being shown is hiding your wall… turn on Hide in Viewport on “Cube” if you want to see the texture in viewport.

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Like that?

click on the eye to hide it in viewport rendered display.

no, like this ^

what you clicked on (the camera icon) is Disable in Renders, which would hide it when you hit render.

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Like that?
Btw I also want to view it properly in rendered display
Edit: It’s rendering fine when I press render (Final render) but not in viewport

look carefully at my screenshot… it’s “Cube” not “Cube.003” I changed.

(perhaps renaming items to their actual function rather than the generic cube would be of assistance to you, as well as others helping)

Oh ok ok I got u…When I hide it the texture is visible thanks…Cube 003 is the main house…the “Cube” object is probably just the array modifier

The Cube object is the first object you made if you followed the tutorial. It has nothing to do with the array modifier.

Me ??! Noooo …from the file… i just used the generated map to make it visible…

lol… i didn’t mean the UV itself, i meant the checkered/numbered texture thingy you used for the material texture. :slight_smile:

Image (or Image Texture node) → New → Color Grid … available in blender… since… :thinking:… Forever ?


i figured it might be built in, just couldn’t find where it was hiding, since i’ve not been in blender forever. :smiley: with other 3d packages i used, they shipped with assets that were in other folders i could find stuff like that. :slight_smile: thanks, Okidoki! :slight_smile:

I also learn somethign every day :wink:
The nice thing is… it adapts to the size… and doesn’t use any space (except the paramters)…
and ther is a maxc of 16384 pixels… imagine the size of any image asset that big… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Ok ok I remembered thx