Texture only working on 5% of faces - Not sure how to ask this question...

I have a model that I have been trying to texture. The texture is only applied to a few faces though and it seems random (same faces every time though). I have tried unwrapping every way possible this doesn’t seem to be the issue. I tried moving seems, removing faces and adding them back etc… Problem persists. See image

Any help is appreciated thanks!

The white section is the part of the texture that is working. I can’t figure out what is different about these few faces than the rest. They were all created the same way at the same time…


Not enough info, no blend file supplied to review !!

Does the object have multiple materials and the material you want only applied to those faces

There is only one material.

Edit: Material is applied to entire mesh

Please ALWAYS provide an example .blend file with any support question (Remember to pack the textures!).
As a matter of fact, we are not clairvoyant. Without a .blend file to examine, you’re forcing us all into a tiresome and most likely fruitless guessing game.