I wanted to make a simple graph visualisation in the compositing.Unfortunately in the compositing there is no Texture coordinate node which is needed to get the functions plotted to the pixel coordinates as x and y like we do with shading.
Have i overseen something is there a method to get the texture coordinates or another way for x,y plotting?
Without visualization its almost impossible to adjust gaussian bell curves like this.
You would probably be better off compositing them from a different scene with alpha over and the same camera resolution settings as the main scene. (could be an orthographic camera)
You only need it to have the same pixel ratio.
The graph is needed because i want exact the same gaussian bell function visualized.
I have builded the bell node function in the compositing for a greater tonemapping function.
The bell curves have min max and deviation values that can be adjusted in realtime.For this reason the plotting is needed in the compositing.
I have no idea how you are going about this but have you looked into the “Map UV” node (needs a UV pass maybe of a plane that fills an orthographic camera)? I have never used it but it sounds promising.
you could use the viewport compositor (if you want to see it in real time), a plane in front of the camera, add an AOV with the uv output of the geometry node and use that in the compositor.
CDMJ was also complaining that texture creation is now bound to brushes I think they managed to persuade the devs to work on enabling access to the old texture nodes directly in compositor but it is very recent and I think not yet implemented. For the moment you have to make a brush.
Even if one of the ideas are working,this is not tonemapping friendly.As you know i want to load a image in the compositing tonemapper without any object setup if that makes sence.
I wonder why we dont have a simple texture coordinate in the compositing ?
My idea was something like this
or this
as overlay of the loaded image with its own xy coordinates
edit ,i have rendered a plane with AOV and UV output.Now i have to add the math plotter.