Texture Paint : Enable texture on both side


Sorry if it’s a question you already post, but I didn’t find any answer that match with my version of blender.

I use blender v2.69, I’m a newbie, I used to work with Sketchup and vray for the rendering, I mainly do 3D environnements.

Here’s 2 pics showing you my prob

Actually I’m just doing an imaginary world, I’m well influenced by Final Fantasy (mainly the 8), so I have several scenes, and you can walk through the cities… Just for the fun! I’d like to do an RPG as FF8, but I’m alone and I can’t do 3D animations. So… It’s just a dream actually :stuck_out_tongue:

An example of what I do. (There’s a lot of different views depending on what scene we are)


not exactly sure but isnt this something you arange with uv mapping.
If you want same texture then overlay the areas in UV mapping.
I’ve never done it dough with paint texture tools.

BTW you have nice builds, i’m building a street too, i’ve noticed there are not many streets and vilages on blendswap.
That is if you want to share your work, i will share my work when finished just as a comunity gift.
In fact i allready shared my current progress if you search under works requesting critique (street)

Have no idea what you’re question is… some explanation would help.

looks like you need to flip the normals and/or you have back face culling enabled.

Hello, thanks for your answer! But I found out a lot of tutos, and now I’m able to only use Blender.
Sketchup is not bad, but a bit weird… Even if you do things right, the software isn’t very logic ^^
I’ll only use sketchup for environments.

There’s still things that I can’t do, but I know how to set a texture, set the UV map, etc Even a png texture with an alpha :smiley:
I know how to use bones, and bones are for creating animation…
Well, I still have a lot to learn, but Blender seems awesome!
I have an issue with a thing : I want to merge a body with a head, but I’ll explain here if I don’t find any solution ^^
Blender is a really good soft =)