Texture Paint problem..........

Hey Guys,
I just skinned a model using a UV texture. Now I want to select a couple of special faces and use the same skin jpg with some texture paint on it. The first time i render it you can see the new paint job, but if i try to render it again it goes back to the old UV texture. What’s the deal? Anyone?

If in the UV/Image Editor window there is a * next to Image, as in Image*, it means you have to save the image from the UV/Image Editor window…this happens when you texture paint in 3D view; the image is changed, but not saved until you say so.

Hey Roger,
Thank You so much for your help! I had to cut the facets out that had the old texture on them, then reface the 4 verts, and then I could apply a new UVtexture image to that face or more faces. ALSO, I just figured out that you can’t UVmap on a primitive mesh and THEN upscale it with multires. You HAVE to do your sculpting and multires first, THEN apply UVmap, which kinda sux, cuz I can’t border select all the facets of the multires’d mesh, cuz it’ll just TILE the UVtexture…so I have to SHIFT select each one of those tiny facets.

Why do you think so? I tried and it works as expected, UV-map subdivision follows multires level in realtime.
