Texture Paint stopped working

Blender crashed after adding a subd modifier after which texture paint has stopped working.

I can use a Fill brush to fill the object with a colour, so I have the correct Texture Paint layer, the correct Image and UVs. But the a Texture Brush won’t paint.

Any ideas?

Are you in the correct display mode in the vieport? i think you have to be in textured view to see the painting in real time. it wont show anything in solid view (At least i think it wont, havent used blender for tex painting in a while)

Thanks Jamie.

Yes, I’m in Texture View as I can see my colour diffuse and AO layers on the model. Also the Fill brush works - it shows a solid colour fill over the mesh when I click with the brush.

I started again on an earlier file, and the painting is working.

Going to try out Substance Painter and see how I go.