Texture Paint Tool

Does anyone know what the texture paint tool does, or how to use it?

The texture mode enables you to paint on an applied texture, i.e. an image you load.
You should search for a tutorial to better understand it, and so should I.

Hehe,…well, I searched high and low before trying here, but I managed to get it to work last night by fiddling with it. and yes, the breakthrough was when I tried it on a loaded image. I do recall seeing a tut on it ages ago, but have not seen it since. Maybe I’ll write a tutorial on it when I’ve figured out how to use it. :wink:



Arg, I could not view it. It is Java? Recent versions of XP are not equipped with a JAVA interface due to security issues. I was wondering why the hell my comp wasn’t loading certain pages. This was my finding. I will remedy the situation as soon as I figure out how.

He He. Yeah, because we all know how security conscious Microsoft is! :wink:


there is surely java for XP - I have it, go download it there!!