Texture painting advice

How can I paint textures without rotating the camera. for example I have a cube which I want to paint it from the corner.
but when I paint it got stretched from the other side. So i have to rotate the camera paint it from the other side.

I can paint a simple cube while rotating the camera. but not a complex object which has small extruded faces. Is there any way to paint the texture without stretching. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

Best Regards,



One way would be to use a stencil…Depend on the end result.

Se Picture.

Here is a link to Stencil Shortcut. https://wiki.blender.org/index.php/Dev:Ref/Release_Notes/2.67/Paint_System

Also do not forget You can paint in Uv- Editor too…:slight_smile:



Thanks. But it looks the same.


apply the texture as a regular texture mapped to ‘cube’ in blender materials, adjust the texture space if necessary, then bake the texture to the UV image. It will have seams, but otherwise, I am not sure, you should be able to patch up the seams with the cloning brush.

Thanks. Box mapping worked.

Project painting using 2 uv sets!

Thanks. I will try that too.