texture painting rivets problem

Hi, i have problem when i am trying with texture paint mode paint some rivets to my door. It works fine, except it paints the rivet to wrong place. I think it’s because of tiling, but i have no idea how to disable it. So when i click place where i want my rivet to be, it starts texturing my rivet as tiled texture and because blender is tiled it already to “wrong area”. I cannot edit it or i do not know where the setting is. Also i am trying to have it to paint the full texture at once, so i can just click the place i want my rivet to be and it paints everything that is in the texture image.

Second problem is that if i zoom or un zoom closer to model blender is painting with different size of the same texture. I want all my rivets to be at same size.

Ok, i have no idea what i did, because i did not edit any texture settings. I just removed that rivet texture and added it again and it started to work better? o____O Blender is very strange sometimes.