I have a texture on a person and I want to paint part of him (hair) a darker color. I pick faces, texture painting, then paint buttons, set the color and try to paint. But the paint strokes get repeated all over. Following a tutorial I loaded a jpg for a texture. I’d rather make a matirial and paint it after but I can’ figure out what buttons to push to let me paint over! Can anyone tell me how ? :-?
Sure, what you need to do is select all the vertices that you want to put the texyure one, then hit the U key, and choose ‘from window’. then you call up youir UV texture, use A to select all vertices in the UV window, and position. Note, if you are texturing this way, it is best to use a square image, otherwise your ‘mesh’ will be squashed one way or the other in the UV window.
I checked that link, but i am totally lost now, since i followed those steps.
At the moment i use 2.3 and i guess things are a bit different?
Can anyone point me in an other direction?
it sounds like you are doing everything right. the only thing you need to do is press U for display selected faces from window view, and it should work fine. The repeating thing should not happen if you do this.
maybe what you want to do is VertexPaint:
setting a basic material color and modify this by painting over
search the manual for VertexPaint
i tried it and found it not much use for detailed coloring
I can now paint on the vertexes in the 3d window, but when I render it does not show the colors I added into those vertexes. ( now using 2.3) :-?
Check VCol Paint button in Material buttons.