i think this is the right place for this well anyways on to my question.can anybody plz help me and texture these cause i suck at textureing!lol and plz if you can finish the hilt plz and ty!

i think this is the right place for this well anyways on to my question.can anybody plz help me and texture these cause i suck at textureing!lol and plz if you can finish the hilt plz and ty!
Read a tute about texturing and UVmapping. If you already have, and couldn’t learn, give me the models… I do that in 30 seconds.
ok and yes i have read many tuts its just that i suck period!is there a way to send them to yuor pm?cause if there is i want to cause i don’t like posting stuff everyone can use!
I want to steal your sword and shield and make a kick ass image!:RocknRoll:
The world will never know it was yours, I’ll just say it was mine, mine mine!!!
Who cares. That’s the simplest mesh of the world. Don’t worry 'bout uploadaing. I’ll make tho maself.
I want to steal your sword and shield and make a kick ass image!:RocknRoll:
The world will never know it was yours, I’ll just say it was mine, mine mine!!!
ohno! litleatom s gona steal imge!! scary.
Edit: Is that image as big as the texture you used? (The image you modeled thingo with).
Sorry for the double post, but I’m enjoying making your nice little elvish sword. It’s gonna be a masterpiece.
edit: The hilt is close to finished. 1361 faces for now.
edit: almost finished. 1733. Will be aprox 1800
edit: sworda finished. Material making. Final result 1805 faces. Close
edit: sword done. Goin with simple normalmapped shield. I’ll make a normalmap with the plugin for the gimp very cool. Then I’m gonna work in my game.
ok tyvm b3 and i dont care if they stell this its just that i wanted to no if you send stuff like that through pm for like my game and better iamges and stuff…
edit BTW this is my 601th post.
sword thing.blend (798 KB)
TYVM!!!Wow it looks awesome tyvm again and good luck on your game i’ll give you lots of credit in my game!
If I were you, I’d really try to learn texturing, rather than ask other people to do it for you. No offence - I just mean you won’t get very far, especially if you are trying to make a game. I’d also not worry to much about people strealing your models. Many people post models here for problem solving or crits, and some are quite complex. I have never really had a bad experience here - most people just want to help, and get help when they need it. There are actually lots of places to get free models and textures, but I think most people here create models because they enjoy doing so. It’s not really a place people search for models to steal.
There are lots of free textures on my site (see signature), when you start learning to texture. Good luck. Texturing is something I really enjoy, and I think you will to.
My game’s deleted. If you have it, please say it, and give it to me.
If you do have it, I’ll credit you in my game. I’ll tell you where and how to upload it.
BTW, Marking seams is like cutting the mesh with a knife. Imagine the meshes are made of paper.
i no how to mark seems in 2.45 but when i try to mark them 2.46 it clicks the whole side instead of the point i click on no how to fix?