Texture Rendering


I have a question that is asked many times. But mine is a little different (Yeah i searched).
If i wanna render my scene than he don’t show up the textures. I think that it dont work becouse i have meshed in the Link to Object. I have added a lot af names etc. So i think that the texture is not linked to the right Object. If i texture the begin cubus than it work in Render mode becouse i did’t meshed in the Link to Object.

If you look at Link to Object than you see Ma end ME, what do that mean? and how can i link the right object to the right texture here you see an screenshot for a much better explenation.

MA = Material and ME = Mesh. All the Materials shown with an “O” are not used by the Active (last selected) Mesh (if only one mesh is selected it is both selected and active). The Material that shows an “F” has a Fake User which means it will not be deleted when you close the file. If you select it (Grey) from the menu and it shows a number higher than 1 next to the “X” in the Datablock then it has more than one user (the Fake user and one or more other). The Materials that show nothing in front of their names are linked to the Active Mesh.

For UVMapped Textures to show in the Render They must have TexFace pressed in the Material tab as you have done. For the GameEngine you don’t have to do this.


But how can i delete that MA names?

And so if i select one textured face in UV face mode and than i create a new MA name and i call the ME mesh than he must render the texture in render mode?

and how can i look what MA and ME name is linked to a face?

If the MA names are in use an object or a Fake you cant delete them. Any names will be deleted when you save and reopen the file if they are not being used.

Also, the ME shows how may are used.

But how can i delete that MA names?

You can’t delete “material names” but you can Unlink materials by clicking “X” in the DataBlock while that Object and that Material are Active. Once you click X the Material will get an “0” in front of the name (zero users) and when you save and reopen your file it will have been Deleted.

And so if i select one textured face in UV face mode and than i create a new MA name and i call the ME mesh than he must render the texture in render mode?

A UVMapped image needs only one Material. In UVFace mode (F in 3D Viewport) you can then select individual Faces and map them to any part of the Image. It doesn’t matter how many times you do this or how many different Images you use you still need only one Material.

You seem to be having trouble with ME:. the Mesh is the Geometry made up of Vertices, Edges and Faces and is Linked to the Object. The Material is (by default) linked to the Mesh (specifically the Faces) and the Texture is linked to the Material.

In the Links and Pipeline tab you are dealing with Materials (MA). The ME block shows the Active Object’s Mesh. So, when you add a new Material or pick one from the dropdown menu you know which Mesh it will be linked to. You can open an Outliner window to see which Materials are linked to which Meshes (in that window View >> Show OOPS or View >> Show Outliner). Unfortunately it doesn’t show UVMapped Textures until they are linked to a Material.
