Texture request

I’ve looked everywhere and I can’t find one. Not the texture fest, not google, not my 1500 textures. I really need a wall texture of really large (1,5x1 meter or so) bricks, smoothed, solid. If I only had a digicam or someone could borrow me one, I would walk 100m down the street and take a picture of it, but nooo. It’s for the backside of a bank (hint = https://blenderartists.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=17131 )

Quite a few brick plugins here:


Use 2.23 or 2.25 if they don’t work in 2.30


Nope, checked those already, not what I want… :frowning:

Thanks anyway…

Whenever I need a tex I can’t find, I make an actual model of what I want then render both a bump image and a colour image. If all else fails you may want to try that route.

check www.animax.it