texture reunwarp ... kinda

well as you know now blender supports many UVs on rendering soo i thought is there a way to pickup a photo and appy it to a head mesh and make a new UV of it whit that texture and yes there is it took just 30 min to think it out for me here’s there result


after thinking it lools pretty bad i’ve made it more subdivided

if ano one’s interested how did ive done it i will write a tutorial soon …:smiley:

The only crit I have on this is that the face is too symetrical, that is a human face has two completly different sides. Try in an image editor taking a front picture of a face and mirror left to right, save the image then mirror right to left. Always you will get two different people.
Other than that I am interested to see how you acheived this result.

she looks like if she is giving a kiss… hehehe.looks fine, just i’m according to Meta-Androcto, the face is very symetrical… for a test it’s ok, but i think you should model the sphere to the shape of the UV image, and put some bumpmaps… well, i think dats all…

ok i will write a fast tutorial how i did it on next day


this video tutorial was posted on irc
I am not sure who did it, so if you know please tell!

damn somone solen my idea thats EXACTLY what i did ;p
any ho i made this one and used retopo yes basing on the mesh you see above ;]

PS if the image is too big say

Just looked at the tut, THAT IS INSANE!
Some Jahka particles for hair and away you go!