Texture stretching with relative vertex keys

I just made a test animation using relative vertex keys. My problem is that as the mesh moves, the textures (a combination of an image and some procedurals, all orco mapped) seem to stretch when some vertices go above a certain distance from their starting positions. How can I avoid this ? Do I need (please say no !) to learn UV mapping ? Or is there an easier way ?
I can post the animation if my description of the problem is not clear. Hope someone can help !

Why don’t you want to learn UVmapping ?
You won’t go anywhere in CG if you don’t , simply.

It is not as painful as it seems, really.

I haven’t used RVK much (OK, at all) but my guess would be that the vertex has been moved outside the texturespace for the object, causing it to change size. The default texturespace is the bounding rectangle of the object.

Try this:
Select your object
Press [T]
Choose Size
Scale the space to 1.0 (ie unchanged)

Tell me if it works.

Altering the texturespace (tried a range of values) didn’t work, but thanks for the idea. I don’t want to learn UV mapping unless I really have to because it seems fairly awkward and long-winded just to get a texture to deform properly. The textures seems to deform quite well up until a certain point, then it becomes very stretched. I guess I’ll just have to live with it…

This is a case where you’ll want to use Sticky coordinates.

Select the mesh, go to to Edit Buttons window (F9).
Press the Make button next to Sticky at the lower left.
This just saved the texturespace coordinates of the vertice along with them
Now, go back to the material buttons window and change Orco to Stick, to make it use the coordinates you just saved.
