Texture tests.

Just playing with some textures and different mapping functions.

—> http://reblended.com/www/sonix/Assets/Images/jEANSNEWHEAD.jpg <— Click for image in a new window.

The main texture, is a render of the head in wireframe, with a flare in each eye socket. This is then mapped flat, with the Green NOR button pressed instead of the usual ORCO.

C&C welcome as always, thanks for looking,


Dude you can you post some crappy stuff every now and then so i can feel better about myself please.

That looks pretty wicked. Have you fooled much with loading image textures onto spotlamps?

Looks very sweet ,
I dont know if it is possible , but if you can slowly rotate the mesh texture frame by frame for an animation you can come up with a wicked looking electric ball effect , somewhat close to this
Except with AVI and blender renders the effect would look 1000 times as cool

Enos, mate :smiley: that is a huge compliment. :smiley:

Modron, yes I have tried, but to ill effect, there may be something I’m not doing correctly.

MGK, will try something, thanks for the inspiration.


I dunno bout the texturing but i love the model :o


reminds me of some of the architecture in freelancer. man, that had the potential to be such a kickass game…