Texture View Appears Distorted?

Im not sure if Distorted is the world, but when I apply texture, some of the faces appear " gone " at certain viewing angle’s. When I rotate the view, some faces appear, while others disappear. I assume this is just a blender setting, at least I hope, since the model appears quite ugly when just viewing it.

Select all (A) in Edit mode and Ctrl-N to point all FaceNormals out.


ALright, thank you.

Now say that I have a box, and the box has a inside. Will that be affected? ( as in the inside of the box screwing up now?) Or will it be ok as well?

What? Boxes have insides?

There are two Texture Pipelines, UVMapping and Materials and they can be ‘linked’.

UVMapping only shows on one side of the Face by default (the side the FaceNormal points, see Draw Normals in F9, Edit mode, MeshTools 1 tab), the other side is transparent. You can make it “Twoside” in UVFaceSelect mode, TextureFace tab, click TwoSide and CopyDrawmode.

Material Textures (F6 with Material added in F5) show on both sides by default. They are Mapped to the Texture Space (T in 3D View and TexSpace in F7) according to which option you choose in MapInput in F5.

If you want to precisely UVMap a Material Texture to faces you can map it in the UV/Image Editor, use the same Image as a Material Texture and select UV as MapInput. Textures will show on both sides without needing TwoSide.

For all the above the texture on the inside will be a ‘reversed’ image of what’s on the outside. If you want to map some other texture to the inside of the box you need to build (extrude) a new ‘box’ on the inside. Then, if you’re using UVMapping just use Seams (Ctrl-E in Edit mode) to isolate those faces in the unwrap and map your internal texture(s) there. If you’re using Material Textures then assign a seperate Material to the internal Faces and add a Texture to that Material.


Alright, I kind of understand, however, setting it to Two Sided still shows transparent, I also flipped the Normals out. Im using the UV Face mode, but Its a imported model from a different program I made the model on along time ago that didnt support two sided textures. Is this why?

No, it should work. Try removing doubles first though. Did you “Copy Drawmode” after clicking TwoSide?


Ok, so I should do this then:

  1. Flip Normals
  2. Remove doubles
  3. And then set it to two sided and Copy drawmode.?

But wait, I noticed when flipping normals, it just inverts the trasnsparency.

  1. Flip Normals

Rather ‘make sure all normals are pointing in the same direction’.

I suggested Removing Doubles because you said it was an imported object, they often come in with shoddy geometry. You can only do the TwoSide/CopyDrawmode in UVFace select mode and, obviously, all faces should be selected. Once you’ve done it all faces should be visible and textured from both sides.

Open a new blend and practice with a single face Plane.


Thank you very much, I finally got my models working in blender. Thanks alot my friend!